神奇的生物需要清潔每個結構,以達到聖潔的安全!如果你想要更快,你可以伸出舌頭,到達下一個平台,但要小心不要碰到障礙物!如果你足夠好,你可以解鎖許多彩色皮膚和隱藏的驚喜! 一鍵式易於學習的控制,具有令人
看更多 »OHM Games SAS
Hop! Up!
跳躍英雄穿越魔法世界的激動人心的冒險! 在屏幕上拖動並釋放手指,角色將朝著您的目標方向跳躍! 你將發揮最快的速度,這個一鍵式易於學習的控制器具有驚人的視覺效果和令人上癮的遊戲機制。
看更多 »紙飛機星球
遊戲玩法 - 力度越精准,紙飛機飛得越遠 - 距離越遠,金幣獲得越多 - 避開碰撞體,探尋更多風景 - 收集金幣,升級技能 - 提升等級,解鎖多種機型,皮膚 遊戲特色 - 免費遊戲,隨時隨地開啟飛翔之
看更多 »Wall Clean
來發掘世界各地的新城市,解鎖最著名的建築物 ! 集滿足夠的現金後,更可以購買高壓清洗機,提高效率 ! 趕快來清潔牆面,收集藏於污垢中的所有貼紙 !
看更多 »Wall-Z
Avoid the blocks on your way by jumping from one wall to another but be careful not to touch them! T
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Smash the incoming balls and try to score as many Home Runs as you can! If you are good enough, the
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In Tribal Raft: A Far Ride, you control... Krøhm! This rustic caveman did not forget his style and t
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Relax, it is time to pop some balls! Enjoy & have fun! That’s pretty much it. Send your ball into th
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Avoid touching the line on your way by sliding your finger left to right, right to left! Collect 5 o
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What if looking at your stack of dominoes collapsing was even more satisfying than playing? In Domin
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